Results for 'Gerardo Andrade González'

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  1.  12
    Experticia del ajedrecista desde una perspectiva microfenomenológica.Isidoro Astudillo Sandoval, Gerardo Maldonado Paz & Juan C. González González - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Diferentes investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno de cómo el jugador de ajedrez alcanza un nivel alto de experticia; sin embargo, la gran mayoría se han llevado a cabo desde una perspectiva en tercera persona, es decir, sin tomar en cuenta la experiencia subjetiva del ajedrecista. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos: 1) analizar la experticia de ajedrecistas de nivel proficiente desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, esto es, desde la experiencia subjetiva del jugador; 2) señalar los estados internos que parecen ser cognitivamente (...)
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  2. Didáctica de la filosofía como introducción al filosofar.Gerardo Andrade González - 1980 - Bogotá, D.E.: Editorial Autores Asociados.
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  3. Federico Nietzsche y la filosofía del arte o de la vida.Gerardo Andrade González - 1982 - Bogotá: Editorial Helios.
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    Participants’ awareness of ethical compliance, safety and protection during participation in pharmaceutical industry clinical trials: a controlled survey.Gerardo González-Saldivar, René Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Jose Luis Viramontes-Madrid, Alejandro Salcido-Montenegro, Neri Alejandro Álvarez-Villalobos, Victoria González-Nava & José Gerardo González-González - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):2.
    The rapid increase of industry-sponsored clinical research towards developing countries has led to potentially complex ethical issues to assess. There is scarce evidence about the perception of these participants about the ethical compliance, security, and protection. We sought to evaluate and contrast the awareness and perception of participants and non-participants of industry-sponsored research trials on ethical, safety, and protection topics. A Cases-control survey conducted at twelve research sites in México. Previous and current participants of ISRT as well as non-participants with (...)
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    Socialización organizacional y salud mental positiva ocupacional como predictores del compromiso organizacional en docentes de educación superior.Mercedes Gabriela Orozco Solis, Héctor Rubén Bravo Andrade, Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba Romero, Mario Ángel González, Claudia Liliana Vázquez Juárez & Julio César Vázquez Colunga - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):42-55.
    This study aimed to determine the predictive character of organizational socialization and occupational positive mental health on organizational commitment in higher education teachers. A sample of 279 teachers from higher education institutions who signed an informed consent form was used. Fifty-four point five percent of the participants were women, with a mean age of 44.05 years. The participants completed the Organizational Socialization Inventory, the Positive Occupational Mental Health Questionnaire and the Organizational Commitment Scale, and for data analysis descriptive statistics, correlation (...)
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  6. El genio filosófico de la ciencia: Cajal, Torres Quevedo, Menéndez Pelayo.Francisco González de Posada, Francisco Alonso-Fernández, Fernando Reinoso Suárez & Gerardo Bolado Ochoa - 2009 - In Manuel Garrido (ed.), El legado filosófico español e hispanoamericano del siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra.
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    In Search of a Latin American WritingAlejo Carpentier: The Pilgrim at Home. [REVIEW]Irlemar Chiampi Cortez, Jose Carlos de Andrade & Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria - 1978 - Diacritics 8 (4):2.
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    Analysis and Characterization of the Spread of COVID-19 in Mexico through Complex Networks and Optimization Approaches.Edwin Montes-Orozco, Roman-Anselmo Mora-Gutiérrez, Sergio-Gerardo de-los-Cobos-Silva, Eric A. Rincón-García, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Andrade & Pedro Lara-Velázquez - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This work analyzes and characterizes the spread of the COVID-19 disease in Mexico, using complex networks and optimization approaches. Specifically, we present two methodologies based on the principle of the rupture for the GC and Newton's law of motion to quantify the robustness and identify the Mexican municipalities whose population causes a fast spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Specifically, the first methodology is based on several characteristics of the original version of the Vertex Separator Problem, and the second is based (...)
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    GONZÁLEZ HINOJOSA, Andrés & PÉREZ SANTANA, Laura Elizabeth: Gerardo Rodríguez Casas y José Blanco Regueira. Dos luces ausentes del quehacer filosófico en México, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México, 2019, 107p. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2022 - Agora 41 (2).
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    La vida es el poder y el ejercicio del poder.Rafael Santamaria Ortega - 2024 - Revista Disertaciones 13 (1):47-61.
    A pesar de ser una destacada figura del siglo XIX colombiano, la filosofía de José Eusebio Caro (1817-1853) no ha sido sujeto de muchas investigaciones académicas. Las pocas que se han hecho se enfocan sobre todo en sus escritos políticos, su obra de juventud Mecánica social, o su antropología y sus influencias. Sin embargo, el artículo de Andrade González (1967) destaca por sugerir sin evidencias que Caro conoció la filosofía de Schopenhauer durante su exilio en Nueva York. El propósito (...)
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    A Critique of Giving Voice to Values Approach to Business Ethics Education.Tracy L. Gonzalez-Padron, O. C. Ferrell, Linda Ferrell & Ian A. Smith - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (4):251-269.
    Mary Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values presents an approach to ethics training based on the idea that most people would like to provide input in times of ethical conflict using their own values. She maintains that people recognize the lapses in organizational ethical judgment and behavior, but they do not have the courage to step up and voice their values to prevent the misconduct. Gentile has developed a successful initiative and following based on encouraging students and employees to learn how (...)
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  12. Moral standard and social change: The philosophers 'approach'.Ana Marta Gonzalez - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (2):243-271.
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    Killer books: writing, violence, and ethics in modern Spanish American narrative.Aníbal González - 2001 - Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
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    Racionalidad científica y discursos prácticos: la compleja relación entre moral y derecho.Carlos Manuel González - 2002 - Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas.
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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    New Methodological Perspectives on Observation and Experimentation in Science.Wenceslao J. González (ed.) - 2010 - Oleiros: Netbiblo.
    New Methodological Perspectives on Observation and Experimentation in Science deals with a classic topic that is seen from new angles.
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    "Vida" como categoría litúrgica: sus justificación filosófica.Enrique González Fernández - 2014 - Salmanticensis 61 (3):445-470.
    Según la liturgia, mi vida, es decir, la de cada cual, en su realidad concreta, no es «cosa» alguna, sino proyecto, empresa, misión; acontece, se va haciendo. La tradicional perspectiva cris-tiana reclama una intensificación del conocimiento, relativamente descuidado, de lo que significa ser persona. Un peso del pensamiento helénico, ajeno al cristianismo, ha orientado al pensamiento poste-rior, filosófico y también teológico, a un «sustancialismo» que ha lle-vado a reducir la persona a un tipo muy particular de «cosa».
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  18. Peer competition and cooperation.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2018 - In Todd K. Shackelford & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Verlag.
    Peer competition and peer cooperation can be intuitively seen as opposing phenomena. However, depending on multiple factors, they might be complementary. In a population divided into groups, for instance, members of each group may cooperate with their peers in order to compete with neighboring groups. Alternatively, they may compete with their peers as a means of choosing the best cooperative partners and demonstrate that they are reliable cooperative partners. For instance, if subjects can choose with whom they wish to interact, (...)
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    Ordenação moral de mundo e justificação da existência na metafísica de Schopenhauer.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):255-282.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer ficou conhecido como o pensador do “pessimismo filosófico”. Tratase de uma doutrina que, em linhas gerais, apresenta uma determinada interpretação acerca do valor do mundo, mas que, em seu sentido ainda mais básico, questiona a possibilidade de atribuição de valor ao todo da existência: há “justificação” para a existência? A partir da resposta a essa pergunta, o filósofo alemão desenvolve sua “metafísica da vontade” e, como seu desdobramento, sua teoria da “redenção”, ou soteriologia. Entretanto, o “filósofo do (...)
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    The erotic soul and its movement towards the Beautiful and the good.Óscar L. González-Castán - 2000 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21:75-86.
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    Las instituciones nacionales de derechos humanos como promotoras de una cultura en derechos humanos.Ana Cristina González Rincón - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (29):187-206.
    Las Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos cumplen, fundamentalmente, con dos funciones: proteger a las personas a partir de recomendaciones, garantizándoles una reparación si se comente una violación a sus derechos, y prevenir futuras violaciones a los derechos humanos. Sobre esta base están llamadas a ser los organismos que guíen hacia una cultura ciudadana a favor de los derechos humanos. Para lograr la culturización en este campo, se requiere educar en derechos a través de la educación formal e informal. En el (...)
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  22.  12
    Montañas, linternas, telescopios Y relojes: Galileo Y el problema de la propagación sucesiva de la Luz.Carlos González-Sierra - 2017 - Escritos 25 (54):267-284.
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    (1 other version)Plato’s perspectivism.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2016 - Plato Journal 16:31-48.
    This paper defends a ‘perspectivist’ reading of Plato’s dialogues. According to this reading, each dialogue presents a particular and limited perspective on the truth, conditioned by the specific context, aim and characters, where this perspective, not claiming to represent the whole truth on a topic, is not incompatible with the possibly very different perspectives found in other dialogues nor, on the other hand, can be subordinated or assimilated to one of these other perspectives. This model is contrasted to the other (...)
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    Psychological Well-Being and Intrinsic Motivation: Relationship in Students Who Begin University Studies at the School of Education in Ciudad Real.Ángel Luis González Olivares, Óscar Navarro, Francisco Javier Sánchez-Verdejo & Álvaro Muelas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    More and more studies and research have found a positive relationship between the participation of young people in altruistic activities and helping others, but it is interesting to discover a relationship of that personal and vocational satisfaction in the preparation and training in a profession as important to society as teaching. For students who begin university studies related to teaching, their psychological well-being and motivation towards this activity are very relevant aspects to consider. The access to and attainment of a (...)
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    La presencia de Cristo en los Sacramentos.José María de Miguel González, Teología, Cristología, Sacramentos & Liturgia - 2002 - Salmanticensis 49 (3):463-490.
    Hasta mediado s del siglo pasado, el tema que nos ocupa, la presencia de Cristo en los sacramentos, se resumía y concentraba, po r no deci r que se agotaba, en la presencia real eucanstica. O sea el concept o 'presencia' de Cristo se reservaba en la practica únicamente para su realización máxima en la Eucaristía; era la presencia real somática la que absorbía cualquier otra forma de presencia sacramental, que en todo caso quedaba en la sombra. Subrayo lo de (...)
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  26. Phenomenal consciousness and the limit of naturalism.Mariano Rodriguez Gonzalez - 2010 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23:173-188.
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    (1 other version)Democracia, hospitalidad y violencia. Entrevista con Marc Crépon.Verónica González & Javier Agüero Águila - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía 72:221-229.
    Marc Crépon es director de investigación en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique y director del Departamento de Filosofía de l’École normale supérieure de París. Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran: La culture de la peur, I. Démocratie, identité, sécurité ; La culture de la peur, II. La guerre des civilisations ; Le consentement meurtrier ; La vocation de l’écriture ; La gauche c’est quand?.
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    Cento anni di filosofia e di cultura polacca.Anna Czajka, Gerardo Cunico & Elisabetta Colagrossi (eds.) - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  29. El reformismo social demócrata como un hecho político en la vida nacional: El Partido Liberación Nacional.Jaime Gerardo Delgado - 1978 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44:159-174.
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    Giovanni Gentile: il pensiero dell'Italia.Aldo Di Lello, Gerardo Picardo & Giovanni Gentile (eds.) - 2004 - Roma: Pantheon.
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    AVANESSIAN, Armen: Miamificación, Materia Oscura, Segovia, 2019, 250p.David Sánchez González - 2020 - Agora 39 (2):231-235.
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    Frankfurt, Harry. The Reasons of Love.Leonardo González - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):295-299.
    Frankfurt, Harry. The Reasons of Love. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004.
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    Resistance to mainstreaming gender into the higher education curriculum.M. José González, Mariona Ferrer-Fons & Tània Verge - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (1):86-101.
    Disregard of gender and of women’s contributions in the higher education curriculum is still a widespread phenomenon. Building on feminist institutionalism, this article explores the forms and types of resistance that efforts to engender the higher education curriculum must contend with and discusses the ways in which resistance to curricular reform is entrenched in a web of both gender-specific and apparently gender-neutral academic informal rules. In doing so, the authors use empirical evidence collected by an action-research project undertaken at a (...)
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    The concept of self-regulation and the ethics council of the media federation of Chile.Francisca Greene Gonzalez & María José Lecaros - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4):481-496.
    Purpose This paper reviews the origins of the Ethics Council of the Federation of Social Communication Media of Chile and looks into the historical circumstances surrounding its creation, the concept of self-regulation as understood by its founders, and the criteria that initially ruled its operation. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative survey of nine contemporary witnesses and the confrontation with the scientific literature. Findings The results reveal a significant coincidence with the academic literature both in the description of the concept of self-regulation and (...)
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    Regulating surrogacy in Europe: Common problems, diverse national laws.Noelia Igareda González - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (4):435-446.
    Despite the diverse legal approaches towards surrogacy in Europe, there are common socio-legal arguments attempting to legitimise it amongst the European Union member states. Regardless of the prevailing regulation in each country, surrogacy in general is confronted with common criticisms and faces similar obstacles. For instance, the operative definition of altruism is put under question in countries where altruistic surrogacy is permitted. Surrogacy is also considered an attack on a woman’s dignity and a risk to children’s welfare. Behind such claims, (...)
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  36. Physiology of GABA inhibition in the hippocampus.R. C. Malenka, R. Andrade & R. A. Nicoll - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):549-557.
  37. El ser principal y Dios. Una observacion a la teologia de Maimonides.J. Garcia Gonzalez - 1988 - Espíritu 37 (97):35-44.
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    EEG Resting State Functional Connectivity in Adult Dyslexics Using Phase Lag Index and Graph Analysis.Gorka Fraga González, Dirk J. A. Smit, Melle J. W. van der Molen, Jurgen Tijms, Cornelis Jan Stam, Eco J. C. de Geus & Maurits W. van der Molen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  39.  25
    Category overlap and neutralization: The importance of speakers' classifications in phonology.José A. Mompeán-González - 2004 - Cognitive Linguistics 15 (4):429-469.
    This article briefly reviews categorization models in both cognitive psychology and cognitive phonology in order to set the background for a psycholinguistically plausible account of the classification of the allophones involved in category overlaps (i.e., the overlapping areas between phoneme categories) and in the so-called positions of neutralization. In addition, the traditional proposals of both Bloomfieldian phonemics (i.e., phonetic similarity) and the Prague School (i.e., archiphonemes) are discussed and an alternative proposal is offered. The latter claims that phonological theory should (...)
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    Investigating the relationship between self-reported interoceptive experience and risk propensity.Arran T. Reader & Gerardo Salvato - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):148-162.
    Risky behaviour may be associated with visceral experiences, such as increased heart rate. Previous studies examining the relationship between perception of such signals (interoception) and risk-taking typically used behavioural tasks with potential for monetary reward. This approach may be less informative for understanding general risk propensity. In addition, such research does not usually consider the varied ways individuals engage with interoceptive signals. However, examining these different forms of engagement may help us understand how subjective experience of interoception influences risk-taking. As (...)
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  41.  27
    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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  42. Aspectos éticos da experimentação com animais não humanos.Ronald Gerardo Garcia Gomez & Carlos Alberto Bezerra Tomaz - 2007 - In Dirce Guilhem & Fabio Zicker (eds.), Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios. Brasília: Editora UnB.
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    Compreensões de aspectos gerais sobre as condições de produção do conhecimento e a investigação no pré-discurso da Educação Inclusiva: dos sistemas de acomodação/ajuste estrutural das possibilidades de subversão do campo.Aldo Ocampo González - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem inicial sobre a caracterização do campo meta-teórico de pesquisa em educação inclusiva e, em particular, examina as forças que produzem seu discurso na pesquisa documental. É reconhecida a necessidade de avançar na exploração de uma perspectiva epistêmica que permita superar o absentismo teórico enfrentado pela educação inclusiva em tempos complexos. O desenvolvimento atual da pesquisa em educação inclusiva é alimentado por vários campos de confluência fora da pedagogia, o que resultou na cristalização de um discurso (...)
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  44. Expert system for the.Gerardo Martinez-Guridi & Guillermo Rodriguez - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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    Humanism Under Construction: the Case of Mexican Circular Migration.María Lucila Osorio Andrade Osorio, Sergio Madero & Regina A. Greenwood - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (1):55-69.
    In today’s world, given the relative importance that companies are giving to corporate social responsibility, sustainability, human rights, and ethics, it is logical to assume that the humanistic trend is gaining support over the economistic, especially in the most developed countries. The paper serves both to introduce the topic of circular migration and to suggest that humanistic management principles are not applied to circular migration programs. First, we contrast humanism with economism as fundamental approaches to business goal setting. Then, we (...)
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    Identifying Qualitative Between-Subject and Within-Subject Variability: A Method for Clustering Regime-Switching Dynamics.Lu Ou, Alejandro Andrade, Rosa A. Alberto, Arthur Bakker & Timo Bechger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    L'uso del corpo come trasmettitore di valori. Un caso paradigmatido: Il nazismo.Gonzalez Aja & Teresa Maria - 2010 - Humana Mente 14:90-103.
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    El Caso Mendez V. westminster Y su contribución a la consolidación Del derecho a la igualdad a través de su influencia en el Caso brown V. board of education.Manuel González Oropeza & Marcos Del Rosario Rodríguez - 2015 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 42:149-167.
    El caso Mendez v. Westminster es de suma trascendencia en el desarrollo del derecho a la igualdad y la supresión de la segregación racial. El caso propició la modificación de las leyes del Estado de California, aumentando el acceso igualitario de los niños a la educación. Pero sin duda su mayor influencia fue sobre la sentencia del caso Brown v. Board of Education, cuyas directrices se cimentaron en las consideraciones y alcances del caso Mendez.
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    Effects of Commitment on Fear of Failure and Burnout in Teen Spanish Handball Players.Juan González-Hernández, Carlos Marques da Silva, Diogo Monteiro, Marianna Alesi & Manuel Gómez-López - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Under an observational, transversal, and descriptive design, the study analyze the degree of adjustment of the perceptions of fear of failure as a mediating variable of the estimated relationship between sporting commitment and the appearance of burnout in young handball players in a competitive context. The sample included a total of 479 youth category handball players selected to compete in the Spanish Regional Championships. The age range was 16 −17 years old. With regard to the years of experience variable, 85.4% (...)
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    La música de los libros de canto llano de la Catedral de Sevilla.Herminio González Barrionuevo - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (1):97-139.
    El número de libros corales de la catedral de Sevilla asciende casi a trescientos en total, correspondientes a un período de tiempo que va del siglo XV al XX. Los más antiguos, por ser más decorados e iluminados, han sido estudiados por varios especialistas, pero no ha sucedido esto con su música, a pesar de ser la verdadera razón de su existencia. En el presente artículo centramos nuestra reflexión sobre la revisión del canto llano realizada por Sebastián Vicente Villegas, a (...)
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